Who is Prof. Dr. Emre Acaroğlu?
Emre Acaroğlu is graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1986, where he specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology. In 2002, he became a Professor and continued to serve as a lecturer at Hacettepe University till 2009. Dr. Acaroğlu has been the founding director of Ankara Spine Center since 2002.
In addition to his expertise in healthcare, he also conducts academic studies on online and distance learning. Prof Dr. Emre Acaroğlu has completed the Online and Distance Learning master program at Open University Milton Keynes in the UK.
Prof Dr. Emre Acaroğlu is married and has 2 children. His wife, Gölge Acaroğlu, is an Ophthalmologist.


Ankara Spine Center, which was founded by Prof Dr. Emre Acaroğlu, was recognized by the international education, research, and accreditation organization ‘AOSpine International’ as an Accredited Spine Center.
Dr. Acaroğlu will take part in this project with Dr. Alpaslan Şenköylü, Dr. Hakan Emmez, and Dr. Cihan Kırçıl and will provide Spine Surgery Training internationally.

Dr. Emre Acaroğlu completed his Online and Distance Learning master program and received his diploma at a ceremony held at Open University Milton Keynes’ campus in Walton Hall.
Online and distance learning, which enables the education and training activities to continue in situations where instructors and students are in different geographies, uses internet technologies such as mail, video, interactive television, radio, satellite and forums, chat rooms, and video calls.

Ankara Spine Center and ARTES Spine Center graduated their ninth spine fellow. We wish Dr. Prashant Adhikari from Kathmandu, success in his further spinal surgery studies.

ARTES Spine Center is proud to graduate a spinal fellow once again. Dr. Cem Karabulut graduated successfully after his six months of study. We would like to thank him for his dedication and contributions during this time and wish him lifelong success and happiness.

The first day of the AOSpine Advanced Vivid Tissue Training Course chaired by Dr. Emre Acaroğlu is completed. The first day of the meeting which is held on the subjects of choosing the appropriate approach for pathology and instrumentation, the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of possible methods, the prevention of damage to essential structures, and the principles of vascular, pulmonary and intestinal repair, was challenging but yet enjoyable for the participants.

The annual report was shared with the members at the European Spine Study Group (ESSG) annual meeting held in Bordeaux, France, on October 10-12, 2016. This is a working group that researches the treatment of spinal deformities in adults. An average of 15 international presentations and at least five international publications are held annually.

Dr. Emre Acaroğlu made a speech on “Decision Making in Adult Spine Deformities” at the European Orthopedics Congress (EFORT) held in Geneva.
In his speech, Dr. Acaroğlu emphasized that according to the data revealed as a result of the studies of both his own group and other research groups shows that the application of timely surgery on the spinal curvatures of adults yields better results. The studies of Dr. Acaroğlu et al. show that although these types of operations have relatively high complication rates, it is the only way to improve existing problems (especially the pain) in most patients. Again, as a result of these studies, It turned out that people with painful spinal curvature (forward or lateral) start losing time by trying non-operative methods when severe pain or restraints begin, causing delayed surgeries to be more difficult and more problematic. It is not a good idea for patients in this condition to ponder and continue to torment themselves.

Ankara ARTES Spine Center’s first international fellow graduated…
Dr. Tiro Mmopelwa is an orthopedic and traumatologist from Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. After he received his orthopedics training in Dublin, he received Spine and Spinal Surgery training from Dr. Emre Acaroğlu and Dr. Selçuk Palaoğlu in Ankara.
He will return to Botswana this week and start working as the first trained spine surgeon in Botswana at the newly established University of Botswana.
During his training at the ARTES Spine Center in Ankara, Dr. Mmopelwa performed more than 200 spine and spinal surgery surgeries and attended all weekly training meetings. He wrote four articles to be published in international journals. At the Global Spine Congress meeting to be held in Dubai next week, he will be presenting five studies he had put in practice with his teachers.